Monday, January 18, 2016

My favorite Christmas

A good friend of mine who is a wonderful creative writer suggested that this Christmas we might give a gift of writing up our favorite Christmas growing up and giving it as a gift.   It made me think of my favorite Christmas immediately.  I was about 9 years old and we were living in Pennsgrove NJ.  For Christmas I wanted a watch so badly that I cried because I didn't think I would get one.  I opened package after gift and so far no watch.  Finally in the toe of my Christmas stocking was the Parker Watch that I coveted.   I was one happy little girl.  I kept that watch for years because to me it was a symbol of the love of my mom and dad.

This was also the same Christmas that my brother was having doubts about the existence of Santa Clause when all of a sudden he saw Santa walk around the side of the house.  Boy did he run up the stairs to bed.  We were very happy kids and lucky to be together.