Sunday, June 22, 2014

Geez where does the time go?

I had promised myself that I would write every week in my blog but some how the days and weeks go flying by and all I have in my mind are headings and some ideas that never get written down.  For instance I love the title "What is joy if it goes unrecorded and love if not shared"! I had great ideas for that blog and enjoyed writing it down in my mind.   I see so much joy every day.  Then there is the title I came up with after our annual trip to Florida and the beach " The Summer of Yes"! Matt declared that this summer was the summer of yes.  Yes you can have gum! Yes you can watch spongebob square pants! Yes you can have candy! and so our vacation went.  This from the same guy who once said mom I think I have a radioactive hand when he experienced his hand falling asleep for the first time. One title idea I really liked was "Perfection is in the moment"!   I had just finished watching an episode of Call the Midwife.  The humanity of the stories call to me and reminds me of my own humanity.    The joy in the boys faces when they think they have caught me or when they come running to hug me.   Watching them play together and Cole copy everything Cooper does and says. The squeals and giggles.  So many precious moments.  I'll trying harder to keep up with the thoughts.