Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's hard to be lonely or down when you play Go Fish and War all afternoon

The Crowley boys really keep me hopping.  They love to play games and when we play cards we wind up with all the cards all over the place.  They also love to march around the couch and love it when their dad plays pinchers with them.  Pinchers is when dad snaps his fingers like a crab claw and chases them all over the place.  All you can hear is the boys shouting "More, More"!   I wish all my friends who don't have grandkids could experience the joy and fun of playing.   You don't have time to think of yourself and even though we are getting older everyday you get to tap into the joy of new life.  What a celebration!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The fix-it lady

I am now the fix-it lady and everyone in the house comes and asks me to fix things.  Everytime a toy breaks here comes Cole and Cooper asking me to use my special glue to fix it.  Ashley needs a needle so out comes my box of buttons and needles.   Matt needs a button sewed on his shirt so the fix-it lady goes to work on it.  I can just here the grandkids saying someday how much they miss the fix-it lady.   I guess it is good to be known for something.  I also hope they know how much they are loved and how much fun they are.