Saturday, July 25, 2015

Independence Day

Its been quite a journey since I last wrote in my blog.  Sickness, packing, moving and returning to Austin Texas were in the cards.  I am now in an apartment about 4 blocks from the gang who are within walking distance from the cousins and the elementary school Cooper will attend.  We are back closer to family and friends and are adjusting to the new arrangement.   Cooper and Cole spent the night about a week ago and that was special. 

So I am now independent and getting use to being by myself again.  Ashley and Matt found the apartment and had everything set up which was a huge help.  It's been 5 years since I lived alone and while I had forgotten that way of life it is all coming back to me.  I miss the day to day contact with the children but they come over quite a bit and we get together every Sunday.  Going with the flow is really important.  Cooper is getting older and pretty soon he will want to do his own thing. Life keeps changing and while I miss living with them I am realizing I have a few friends in Austin and life is good.