Sunday, December 13, 2015

Paper bag monsters

Cooper and Cole love to do arts and crafts type of activities.  This was a great exercise making paper bag monsters.  Cooper's monster is on the left and Cole's is on the right
Cooper is 6 and Cole is 3 and what is so interesting is the skill each one has for their age. I also cannot get over how Cole is so ahead for his age because he wants to do what ever his big brother does.

Being the oldest child I never felt I was competing.  I can now understand how my brother must have felt sometimes,  Regardless of the family dynamics both boys are so much fun to work with and get to know.  I am the luckiest grand mother.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Is a Nursing Home in my future?

A lot of my friends and I are beginning to realize that as we get older we might not be able to take care of ourselves any longer.  The prospect of going to a nursing home is not a happy one.  We know folks, family, or friends have gone to homes and the limited opportunities due to costs is daunting.

I think of my own Mom who lived with me for 3 years and then when she got so sick went to a nursing home where she lived for 6 months before she died. I found a letter she had written to a friend and I could hear in the letter the frustration she felt it not getting her favorite foods or being able to go fishing.  She was also so glad that we came often to see her and tried to bring her things but I must admit I have always been sorry I didn't take her fishing.   All that makes me wonder about myself and the loneliness of it all if I have to go to a home.  A good friend of mine died recently after several months in independent living facility. She went to hospice.  Seeing her, remembering my own Mom's experience, and listening to friends only amplifies how lonely life can be.

My family is very thoughtful about coming over and checking up on me.  I am so lucky to have the boys around and Matt and Ashley.  They help me deal with all the old age frailties by bringing joy and life into mine.  I will always be so grateful.

I keep writing in my head

I haven't been very good about writing every week in my block but am going to try and be better.   I write lots of blog entries in my head and even write a few down but somehow they never reach the blog itself.   I've been sick again.  A couple of weeks ago the family got a stomach virus and were all sick with the "throw-ups" as the boys call it.  I stayed away from them which is hard but then in spite of all the handwashing and good efforts I got it last week end.   Finally getting over it.  It's these little set backs that drive you crazy.   So I decided it was time to get back to writing and quit feeling sorry for myself.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Independence Day

Its been quite a journey since I last wrote in my blog.  Sickness, packing, moving and returning to Austin Texas were in the cards.  I am now in an apartment about 4 blocks from the gang who are within walking distance from the cousins and the elementary school Cooper will attend.  We are back closer to family and friends and are adjusting to the new arrangement.   Cooper and Cole spent the night about a week ago and that was special. 

So I am now independent and getting use to being by myself again.  Ashley and Matt found the apartment and had everything set up which was a huge help.  It's been 5 years since I lived alone and while I had forgotten that way of life it is all coming back to me.  I miss the day to day contact with the children but they come over quite a bit and we get together every Sunday.  Going with the flow is really important.  Cooper is getting older and pretty soon he will want to do his own thing. Life keeps changing and while I miss living with them I am realizing I have a few friends in Austin and life is good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Its wonderful to live with your family and see what good parents Matt and Ashley are and to see the love they have for the boys and the love the boys have for them.  Today was Coooper' s 6th birthday and he is quite grown up.   It was a great day. Star Wars and Legos filled the day.  He is quite grown up and I am learning a lot from him. Who would have thought children could teach you so much.